Remember the Day When People Laughed Off Bottled Air?

Have you ever desired to purchase a can of pristine air bottled right in the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains? 

Vitality Air Canisters, photo via

Well, Vitality Air in Alberta, Canada has you covered. They believe that everyone should be entitled to fresh air and given that pollution has taken that right away from people, they have made it their holy mission to correct this injustice. Perhaps there is an environmental justice award in their future, am I right?!

According to their website, this is not just “normal” air either, it is the freshest mountain air. For only $32 CAD you receive 160 breaths of premium air. That’s about 13 minutes of breathing! What a steal.

Vitality Air compares their mission to the bottled water movement:

Remember the day when people laughed off bottled water?

“It comes out of the tap, why would I want a bottle?”

The truth is we have begun to appreciate the clean, pure and refreshing taste of quality water.

Air is going the same direction.

Vitality Air

Indeed, in communities where their own water is undrinkable, bottled water has become a necessity! Why would we need to prioritize access to clean water when Nestle can simply steal it from elsewhere and sell it back to them in plastic?! I can see why Vitality Air wants to follow in their footsteps. Plus, if you are concerned about waste, don’t worry: Vitality Air’s products are all recyclable and I am sure they offset the carbon emissions from transporting their cans of air around the world.

If reading about Vitality Air reminds you of a certain Aloysius O’Hare, the founder of O’Hare Air and Mayor of Thneedville, you are surely not alone. In fact, if you would prefer air from New Zealand, the company Pure Kiwi Air got their inspiration straight from O’Hare himself. I don’t know about you, but that is certainly the message I got from the Lorax! Who says the antagonist wasn’t also the hero? I’m just jealous I didn’t capitalize on my access to clean air first (albeit I think premium Southern Ontario air would be a hard sell).

Aloysius O’Hare, photo via IMDB

I hope this serves as a hopeful message for those who are concerned about relying on technological fixes and those driven by profit to save the planet. Soon, we will look back and remember the day people laughed off bottled air. This may just be the way of the future.

Are you ready to be transported to the Canadian Rocky Mountains?

For those of us outside Alberta, it is cheaper than a flight!

By: Madison


Fletcher, R. (2019, April 6). Here’s how 2 guys from Alberta are selling $300K worth of canned air a year | CBC News. CBCnews. Retrieved October 20, 2022, from (2012, March 2). The Lorax. IMDb. Retrieved October 20, 2022, from

John Hopkins Medicine. (2022, June 14). Vital signs (body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, blood pressure). Vital Signs (Body Temperature, Pulse Rate, Respiration Rate, Blood Pressure) | Johns Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved October 20, 2022, from,to%2016%20breaths%20per%20minute

The Lorax inspires Auckland couple to sell Kiwi Air to polluted Asian countries. Stuff. (2016, May 13). Retrieved October 20, 2022, from

Vitality Air Inc. (2018). Oxygen in A can and air products: Vitality Air. Vitality Air Inc. Retrieved October 20, 2022, from

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